Term Archives

  1. Hunger and World Food: Known Issues

    The main cause of hunger worldwide is poverty. Millions of people around the world are simply too poor to be able to buy food. In this lesson learn about issues that have an impact on hunger and food.
  2. Hunger and World Food: Basic Facts

    The United Nations deemed food as a basic human right and has taken actions to provide emergency food aid and agricultural development assistance, but it has not managed to eliminate serious hunger.
  3. Religion: Possible Solutions

    Religious illiteracy poses dangers especially in multi-faith societies where misunderstandings and ignorance can escalate into hostility, abuse, and violence.
  4. Religion: Basic Facts

    Religion is a vast subject which tries to help people make sense of everything about the world around them.  Religion plays an important role in helping people to explain the creation of the universe and their purpose within the higher power.
  5. Terrorism: Possible Solutions

    The frequency and destruction caused by terrorism have decreased in recent years. The governments across the world are framing policies and initiating counter-terrorism measures.
  6. Terrorism: Known Issues

    The most important issue that faces terrorism is the lack of proper definition. There is no one definition of terrorism that is accepted. Each country and organisation have a different definition of terrorism.
  7. Terrorism: Basic Facts

    Since the 9/11 attacks in America, the issue of terrorism has become important in the discussions of global security. Many countries have tried to establish counter-terrorism units or initiate programs like the Patriot Act to prevent acts of terrorism.
  8. Energy: Words to Know

    Here is a list of words to help you understand energy-related terminology.
  9. Energy: Possible Solutions

    Learn about the possible solutions to implement sustainable energy practices.
  10. Energy: Basic Facts (Types of Energy Sources)

    There are various sources of energy that are used for generating power. Today, many new forms of energy sources are being discovered but none of them can be used to provide the power to help modern life function. Some of the forms of renewable energy are explored in this section.