Gp Issues:Religion

Gp Issues:Religion


Religion is a particular system of faith and worship. Many religions have an organised ministry and clergy, scripture and holy places. There is also sacramental prayer, which spills over into death and public service. Ever so often, confusion arises between what constitutes a religion and a cult. According to the Cult Information Centre, a cult has the following characteristics: it uses psychological coercion to recruit, and indoctrination to retain members; it tends to be elitist; believes that the end justifies the means, and the wealth does not benefit the members of its society.



Religion is a particular system of faith and worship.


This chapter covers the following issues:

a. Religion and Ethics

b. Religion and Science

c. Controversies

This chapter contains the following essays:


  1. What is man without religion?
  2. Is religion a source of peace or conflict? Discuss

  3. Religion is an opiate of the masses. Discuss.

  4. The rise of science means the decline of religion. How far is this true?



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